Voter Registration In Kentucky Slowly Recovers From Pandemic

Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams announced this week that the state’s number of registered voters increased slightly following the June primary election.
Todd County Over 150 Total COVID-19 Cases

Todd County is now up to 151 total COVID-19 cases after 3 new cases were announced Tuesday afternoon.
Christian County Nearing 900 Total COVID-19 Cases

Six new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Christian County Tuesday afternoon, as total cases near 900.
Five COVID-19 Cases Announced In Trigg County Tuesday

Five new cases of COVID-19 were announced in Trigg County and one in Lyon County Tuesday afternoon.
Kentucky Still Working to Clear Unemployment Backlog

The Commonwealth of Kentucky has extended its contract with Ernst and Young through the end of the year to continue work of processing all unemployment claims that have backlogged since the pandemic began in mid-March.
Trigg Sheriff Reorganizes Department

The transformation of the Trigg County Sheriff’s Department continues to take on the footprint of new Sheriff Aaron Acree with the turnover of every road deputy, but one from his staff.
VIDEO – Aaron Acree Sworn In As Newest Sheriff of Trigg County

Aaron Acree was surrounded by family, friends, and community members, all masked of course, to officially be sworn in by Trigg County Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander.
Ira Combs, 92, of Crofton
Memorial services for 92-year old Ira Combs of Crofton will be Saturday afternoon, September 5, at 2:00 at Macedonia Baptist Church. Visitation will begin at the church at 1:00 Saturday afternoon. Maddux-Fuqua-Hinton Funeral Home is in charge
Wanda Probizanski, 72, of Cadiz
Funeral services for 72-year old Wanda Booth Probizanski of Cadiz will be Friday morning, September 4, at 10:00 at King’s Funeral Home in Cadiz. Burial will follow in East End Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday evening from
New Traffic Signal in Oak Grove to be Operating Normally Wednesday

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is alerting motorists who travel along U.S. 41-A in Oak Grove to be aware of a new traffic light that will be operating normally beginning Wednesday.