Atmos Energy Discusses Projects To Make Upgrade in Hopkinsville

Atmos Energy Operations Supervisor in Hopkinsville, Ryan Tolbert

Atmos Energy has plans to invest over $4 million to replace some outdated natural gas pipes in Hopkinsville next fiscal year in order to provide better service to its customers.

Ryan Tolbert, Atmos Operations Supervisor at the Hopkinsville location, presented an update to Hopkinsville City Council last week regarding three Atmos projects planned for this upcoming fiscal year, which is October 1st through September 31, 2021.

Tolbert said the 17th Street project will consist of replacing 10,000 feet of assorted steel pipe for 80 services at a cost of around $1 million.

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He added the 19th Street project will replace pipe for over 150 services installed over 70-years ago.

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Tolbert said the largest project will be in downtown on South Main Street with an investment of approximately $1.3 million.

click to download audioHe added all three projects combined will retire roughly six miles of old steel pipe and install about 5.5 miles of new pipe. He said it would also eliminate five low-pressure stations and update service for 300 residential and commercial customers of Atmos Energy.

After these three projects are completed, Tolbert said there is one more project in fiscal year 2022 to replace outdated pipes, which is the Phelps Avenue project by the hospital. He added this project would bring all of their pipes up to date in the city and eliminate the last low-pressure point in Hopkinsville.

click to download audioDuring the projects, Tolbert said Atmos will be working alongside their contractors an ensure all their affected customers are notified. He added they will also provide traffic control where needed and coordinate that with the city.

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