The Christian County Chamber of Commerce revealed the 2030 Community Vision Plan during a virtual event Thursday morning.
Chamber President Kelli Pendleton said they have been working with consultant Jason Robertson and Company, along with local liaison Taylor Hayes, to compile all of the community feedback. She added there are a lot of metrics the community needs to work on like the economy, housing, sustainability, livability, and education.
Pendleton shared one thing they continue to push is the elimination of the state income tax for veterans and retirees that would help create growth in Christian County.
Pendleton added another thing that will help the county is connecting Hopkinsville and Oak Grove with development.
The entire plan can be found here.
In other comments during the virtual event, Hopkinsville Mayor Wendell Lynch provided a financial update for the city. He added economic development and housing are some of the most important things to work on.
In addition, Lynch said public safety, population growth, downtown revitalization, tourism, and education will continue to be other focal points over the next ten years.
Oak Grove Mayor Theresa Jarvis said her community is continuing to see some much-needed growth.
Christian County Treasurer Walter Cummings shared some good news concerning Ruff Park and the Christian County Senior Citizens Center, both of which were damaged in a January downburst.
The News Edge will share the video from the Christian County Chamber of Commerce when it’s made available.