Trigg County magistrates Monday evening approved a resolution for rural secondary road projects and approved to purchase a new truck for the road department.
Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander said the funding will help pave seven roads.
Alexander added they will be receiving $262,740, about $18,000 less than expected due to budget cuts from the state.

In other actions, magistrates approved a bid to purchase a 2020 diesel truck from Wildcat Chevrolet.
Magistrates also approved the sheriff tax settlement from January 1 to August 31, 2020, the last for former sheriff Jason Barnes. Faye Godair, from the department, said the fiscal court was presented $193,141.35 pending a fee audit by the state.
Mike Heffington was also re-appointed by magistrates to the Trigg County Planning Commission to serve a term through May 31, 2024. Magistrates also approved to re-appoint Stephanie Perry to the Trigg County Hospital Board to serve a term through September 30, 2024. Alexander said there will a vacancy on the hospital board soon, as Melissa Taylor, who currently serves on the board will be leaving since she now lives in Christian County.