AAA East Central Releases Tips for Winter Car Care Checklist

AAA East Central, which covers Western Kentucky, is reminding motorists to review their Winter Car Care Checklist as colder weather quickly approaches to keep from ending up on the side of the road.

AAA East Central officials say with the pandemic leaving many vehicles dormant for weeks or months it’s a good idea for motorists to have their batteries tested sooner rather than later to avoid a breakdown during colder months. According to data from last winter, AAA contractors responded to 66,548 battery-related calls throughout the AAA East Central coverage area.

Officials explain while batteries supply the electrical current needed to start a vehicle they also power components and accessories when the engine isn’t running. If a vehicle doesn’t run regularly there’s less of a chance for the alternator and charging system to maintain a charge in the battery and heat from the summer sun is particularly damaging to a battery’s internal components. That damage then typically manifests in the form of a dead battery during the winter, especially after cold snaps.

AAA officials are advising motorists to have their entire charging system and battery tested, especially if the battery is more than three years old. But a dead battery isn’t the only thing motorists should check for, officials note motorists should also check their tire type and tread, tire pressure, wiper blades, washer fluid, and coolant levels before winter sets in.

Officials state the best way to test your tire tread is by inserting a quarter into a tread groove with the top of George Washington’s head facing down. If you can see the top of Washington’s head, it’s time to start shopping for new tires. As for tire pressure, typically tire pressure decreases 1 PSI for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit that the temperature drops, putting owners at risk for a flat tire, proper tire pressure levels can be found on the sticker located on the driver’s side door jamb of any vehicle.

Officials note replacing wiper blades that leave streaks or miss spots is extremely important before fall rains and winter snow and ice settle in to keep you on the road and traveling safely.

For the full AAA Winter Car Care Checklist you can click here.

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