Christian County remains classified as a ‘red zone’ county by both the state and the White House with the number of active cases reported by the health department up 22-percent in the past week.
There were 226 active cases in Christian County Wednesday, up from 208 a week ago. The county is on pace to see 626 COVID cases in October, easily eclipsing the previous high of 467 in September.
Health Department Director Kayla Bebout said they are continuing to identify clusters of spread in Christian County, but the cases are originating from more than the clusters which are concerning.
click to download audioChristian County’s COVID incidence rate Wednesday, which is based on daily case increases over a 100,000 population scale, is 29-percent. Anything over 25-percent is considered in the red by the state. Christian County is also considered a red county by the White House, ranked second in the state behind only Warren County.
Amanda Sweeney with the health department said the proper wearing of masks, which is mandated by a state executive order, remains one of the best ways to guard against the spread of the virus.
click to download audioSweeney also said people need to be careful when attending social get-togethers and to practice proper social distancing.
click to download audioThe health department works every day to contact trace each positive case to try and determine the origin of the spread. There are two full-time employees conducting contact tracing with another five temporary workers funded by the state. Bebout estimated that one-third of the health department is doing some type of work on COVID-19 daily.
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