Officials at Christian County Public Schools said their students would be ready for NTI work after Governor Andy Beshear signed an executive order that has some students doing virtual work until Christmas break.

Assistant Superintendent of Administration Laura Morris shared the NTI plan with board members during their meeting Thursday night. Morris said the district was already planning to do NTI work on Monday and Tuesday.
Morris added they have been preparing the district for virtual instruction since the beginning of the school year.
The district recently distributed over 2,500 Chromebooks to students who need them to complete their school work. District Technology Coordinator Jason Wilson told board members they have 36 hotspots set up across Christian County for those who do not have internet at home.
Starting November 30, teachers will report to their classrooms from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each school day to prepare and deliver virtual instruction to students. Each school will also have staff available to support students and parents from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to report to their schools in small groups if there is a need for face-to-face supplemental instruction with their teacher.

Superintendent Chris Bentzel said the expectations for NTI are consistent with traditional schools, and if a student is not engaged and participating virtually, school and district leaders will intervene. Non-participation will result in unexcused absences and disciplinary action. He added a minimum of 2 grades per week per course would be taken for each student.
Food services will still be available during the NTI work period with information on the district’s website on locations and pick up times.
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