With an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the county and among teachers and staff in the Christian County school district, Superintendent Chris Bentzel said they hope to make a decision by mid-day Friday regarding students returning to traditional learning on Monday.
During a brief school reopening update at Thursday night’s special-workshop meeting, Bentzel said they will working with the health department, directors, principals, and others Friday morning to discuss all the factors. He said they hope to make a decision by noon in order to notify parents and families.
Hospital capacity is one of the areas monitored by the district when deciding about in-person learning. When asked about the local hospital’s capacity, Bentzel said Jennie Stuart Medical Center is currently at capacity.
Board attorney Jack Lackey Jr. added there are no hospitals within 100 miles that have any rooms available. Bentzel said it’s not “looking good” for students to return to traditional learning on Monday due to the increasing COVID numbers in the county, the hospital’s capacity, and a large number of teachers and staff in the district who are either positive or in quarantine.
Assistant Superintendent of Administration Laura Morris also provided an update about the COVID vaccine. She said educators are in the third-phase of receiving the vaccine, which is expected to be within the next couple of months. She added 802 of the district’s 1,193 employees have signed-up to get the vaccine.
At the start of the meeting, two newly elected school board members, Michael Walker and Tiffany Mumford-Brame, and re-elected board member, Jeff Moore, were sworn-in virtually by Christian County Circuit Court Judge Andrew Self.
The board also selected Tom Bell to serve as board chairman, Lindsey Clark as vice-chairman, and Superintendent Chris Bentzel as board secretary.