Hearing Set To Discuss Indictment In Pembroke Triple Murder Case

An evidentiary hearing has been set for next month in the case against a former Fort Campbell Army major charged with the November 2015 murders of a Pembroke couple and their neighbor.

Christian Martin and his defense attorney, Tom Griffiths, along with Assistant Attorney Generals Barbara Whaley and Alexander Garcia appeared virtually before Chief Circuit Judge John Atkins Thursday afternoon.

After discussing some discovery issues, Griffiths informed Judge Atkins they had filed reciprocal discovery and gave notice of their first expert report regarding cell phone evidence. Based on the information in that report, Griffiths said he believes they need to have an evidentiary hearing to discuss the grand jury indictment because there are some serious issues raised by the analysis of the evidence in this case.

click to download audioJudge Atkins pointed out this was a serious proposition and asked attorney’s to file the appropriate court documents.

click to download audioThe evidentiary hearing will be at 1:00 on the afternoon of February 25th.

Martin is accused of killing Calvin and Pam Phillips, and their neighbor Ed Dansereau on November 18, 2015. Calvin Phillips was found dead at the couple’s home on South Main Street in Pembroke. The bodies of his wife Pam, and Dansereau were found in a burned vehicle in a field off Rosetown Road near Pembroke.

Martin is set to stand trial in May in Hardin County after the judge granted a change of venue in August of last year.


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