The Hopkinsville City Council Committee of Whole is recommending the purchase of new body cameras for the city police department.
The Committee voted unanimously to forward the purchase request to Hopkinsville City Council during Thursday’s meeting after hearing a presentation from Deputy Police Chief Michael Seis. He says the police department has been using body cameras for several years.
click to download audioDeputy Chief Seis says the current cameras are no longer being made because the company was sold, which creates a couple of issues for the department.
click to download audioHe says the department wants to go to a new system that offers improved options.
click to download audioSeis said the department solicited bids from three different companies, but noted the Body One Camera System meets all the department’s needs for both in-car and body cameras.
click to download audioSeis says the new system will cost the city of Hopkinsville one million dollars, with a five-year payment plan.
Council will vote on the recommendation at a future meeting.