City of Hopkinsville Receives ‘Clean’ Annual Audit

Hopkinsville City Council heard the annual audit report during Tuesday night’s meeting and approved a capital budget amendment to include the purchase of police body cameras in the future.

Kerry Fort with York, Neel & Associates presented the annual audit with the City receiving a clean opinion in all areas of government.

In addition, he pointed out the City received a clean opinion on the internal control for financial statements, as well as for federal money.

Mayor Wendell Lynch said he was pleased with the results of the audit.

In other business, the Council unanimously approved a capital budget amendment on first reading by City Clerk Crissy Fletcher.

The amended total for expenses is over $2.47 million and includes additional expenses of $475,000 for the police department and $330,000 for renovations to the old First City Bank building.

City Council also unanimously approved a municipal order authorizing funding in the amount of $390,742 from the City’s fund balance to be added to the Capital Equipment Replacement Reserve designated to be used in future years for police body cameras.

And Council unanimously approved the appointment of Councilman Phillip Brooks as presiding officer in the mayor’s absence.

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