Pennyrile Health District Opening Vaccines To 18 And Above

The Pennyrile District Health Department is opening COVID-19 vaccinations to anyone 18 or older.

Health Department officials announced Wednesday anyone 18 or older who wants to be vaccinated against COVID-19 can signup online at the Pennyrile District Health Department website or call your local health department.

Meanwhile, the district announced 25 new cases of COVID-19 as of Wednesday afternoon. Trigg County has the most cases at nine. The new Trigg County cases range in age from two years old to fifty-eight years of age. All those COVID-19 patients are recovering at home.

In Caldwell County, three new cases were confirmed on Wednesday. The Caldwell County cases range in age from 5 to 21 years of age. All are recovering at home.

Lyon County reported six new cases ranging in age from 11 to 61 years of age.


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