Kentucky FFA Searching For Area NFA Memorabilia

The Kentucky FFA is searching for information and artifacts from people who may have been a member of the New Farmers of America organization that existed in the mid-20th century.

State FFA Advisor Matt Chaliff says the organization was active in African American high schools.

click to download audioChaliff says the organization resembled the modern day FFA.

click to download audioKentucky FFA Advisor Matt Chaliff says there were at least three New Farmers of America chapters in Kentucky, one of which was in Hopkinsville.


click to download audioChaliff says there were at least two active NFA chapters in central Kentucky. He adds there were some outstanding members that represented Kentucky well at the national level.

click to download audioChaliff says they are looking for an NFA jacket that could hang at the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center in Hardinsburg with other FFA jackets that are on display.


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