Graduation ceremony details for Trigg County High School have been announced, with each graduate receiving two tickets for family members to attend.
Graduation ceremonies for both the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021 will be held Monday, May 17, at the high school gym.
The Class of 2020 ceremony will begin at 6:00 p.m. with any graduate asked to contact the school and register by May 7.
The Class of 2021 ceremony will begin at 8:00 p.m.
Because indoor event gatherings are limited to a 25-percent capacity by the state under current COVID-19 guidelines, each student will receive two tickets for family members. The school said they are monitoring the venue capacity requirements and can change the allotment if the guidelines change.
The Class of 2021 had previously announced that the student-led Baccalaureate services would be held Wednesday, May 12, at the high school gym.