Lyon County’s American Legion Post 68 is sponsoring the annual Flags of Honor to be displayed again this year at Eddyville City Park.
Officials with Post 68 say this is the 6th year the flags will be flown from Memorial Day to July 4th. They say the flags are dedicated in honor of or in memory of Veterans past or present.
After July 4th, officials say the flags are taken down, folded properly, and returned to the person who made the dedication. Along with the flag, the person also receives the identification tag from the flagpole and a certificate of appreciation.
The dedication ceremony in Eddyville City Park on Memorial Day, Monday morning, at 10:00. Dedication forms are available at the American Legion building during any of their functions such as Bingo, Fish Fries, etc. According to officials, if you have a flag that was flown at one of the previous displays, it can be reused this year. They say it must be in serviceable condition and only costs $15.