The Cadiz-Trigg County Chamber of Commerce has added nearly a dozen new members in the past year despite a global pandemic.
The Chamber hosted its first in-person Lunch and Learn in over a year Thursday, drawing over 30 members to the Cadiz Renaissance Center.
Beth Sumner was named the chamber’s membership director in January. She highlighted the new members that were added in the past year which mostly included new businesses that had opened their doors for the first time.
She said directing prospective business owners in the right direction as they complete the early steps of getting their dream off the ground has been a rewarding part of the job.
click to download audioThe chamber of commerce has 237 members. Sumner said a priority is to increase its website visibility and keep its information updated. She also said the chamber needs to continue its promotion of tourism and the potential of new tourism-related businesses.
click to download audioWith the state reopening to full capacity in the coming weeks and society returning to a level of normalcy not felt in over a year, Sumner said it was good to see faces at the Lunch and Learn event.
click to download audioSumner said she plans to keep chamber members updated with a weekly newsletter each Monday. The annual Chamber of Commerce dinner is scheduled for June 22 at Lake Barkley State Resort Park.