There’s a new wolf on the block at Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area.
Officials with the Woodland Nature Station have announced the new wolf is a three-year old female, currently known as #5525 to their animal ambassador family.
The arrival of the female wolf comes after the passing of Kaya, who was brought to the Nature Station in November of last year and reunited with Jasper, a former mate of hers from another nature center. Kaya and Jasper were red wolves which officials say are a critically endangered species with less than 25 individuals remaining in the wild. Friends of LBL spokeswoman Jennifer Wheatley told the News Edge at that time the Nature Station was proud to have been a part of their breeding and species survival program for 30 years.
Officials with the Nature Station say the new female wolf was born at Zoo Knoxville to a litter of eight pups. They say she is a shy dainty girl who has been at the Nature Station for a couple of weeks now and is settling in with Jasper. They indicate it will take time for her to settle into her new home at the Nature Station, so for now the best time to possibly catch a glimpse of her is first thing in the morning before she goes into the den for the day.
The Woodland Nature Station is also extending its hours for the Memorial Day weekend and closing at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
Officials say for the holiday weekend the Woodland Nature Station will be celebrating River Days Saturday through Monday where visitors can encounter live animals, kid-friendly activities and games, and more, all dedicated to celebrating the area’s rivers.
Memorial Day Weekend Programming:
Throughout the Weekend- Wacky Waters Kids’ Scavenger Hunt
Saturday, May 29, 10 am-7 pm
· 11:30am Don’t SNAP at Me – Giant turtle feeding
· 1:30pm Barkley’s Beasts – Explore the animals found on Lake Barkley
· 4:00pm Raptor Row – Meet our owls, hawk, and falcon
· 6-8:30pm – Sunset Kayak Trip – For reservations call 270-924-2020
Sunday, May 30, 10am-7pm
· 11:30am For Goodness Snakes – Meet a live snake
· 1:30pm America’s Got Talons – Learn about our birds of prey
· 2:30pm Cumberland’s Critters – Discover Cumberland River’s aquatic animals
· 4:00pm Raptor Row – Meet our owls, hawk, and falcon
· 6-8:30pm Sunset Kayak Trip – For reservations call 270-924-2020
Monday, May 31, 10 am-5 pm
· 11:30am Water Giants – Learn about the huge water beasts in our lakes
· 12:30pm Tales of Scales – Discover our snakes, turtles, and salamanders
· 1:30pm Beach Bum Bobcat – Watch Barkley the bobcat get a new toy
· 4:00pm Raptor Row – Meet our owls, hawk, and falcon
Canoe and kayak rentals on Honker Lake begin on Memorial Day Weekend. Hourly rentals start at 10:00 am and all boats must to be back to shore by 4:30 pm. Rental rates are $15 per boat per hour. Visitors must check in and pre-pay at the Woodlands Nature Station to rent a canoe or kayak (weather permitting). For more information call 270-924-2299.
Fourth grade students can go to https://everykidinapark.gov/, get their free Every Kid in a Park pass, and get their family in for free. For more information, call the Nature Station at 270.924.2299.
The Woodland Nature Station is located at 3146 Silver Trail Road.