Christian County school board members approved the 2021 KSBA policy update with changes that include protecting students and school personnel employees from discrimination regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.
When asked if there were any major changes to the KSBA policy, Melanie Barrett, Director of Pupil Personnel, said there were six policy changes that stood out to her referencing gender identity and sexual orientation.

School board attorney Jack Lackey Jr. explained the changes come out of the results of litigation in different parts of the country that have either gone to the Supreme Court and there have been rulings or the Supreme Court denied review and allowed it to stand.
During the discussion, Lackey stated the KSBA policy is required in order for the district to be compliant with the law or they could face litigation. The board approved the first reading of the policy after board member Tiffany Mumford Brame said regardless of their personal feelings, their job is to ensure everyone is treated the same and provide an education to every student.

Facilities Coordinator Trevor Herndon also provided a summer maintenance update and said they have been cleaning out the old Christian County Middle School next to the Board of Education Building for seven months. During that process, he says they have exhausted everything in the building with some items moved to the gym to be sold.
He added that after the items are declared surplus and are approved by the board in the near future, the items could possibly be sold this winter. Herndon hopes they can then start taking bids to demolish the building next year.
The next special workshop board meeting will be Thursday evening, August 5, at 6:00 at the Board Room at the Central Office on Glass Avenue.