Christian County Jailer Brad Boyd Says Final Goodbye


After 27 years inside the walls, Brad Boyd’s final days at the Christian County Jail approach.

Appointed as deputy jailer on October 1, 1994, promoted to major on August 16, 2000 and slotted as the jailer during an unexpired term on December 1, 2006, the Hopkinsville native and former high school volleyball coach took in a warm reception alongside family Wednesday afternoon at the jail — thankful for his experience in the community.

But before he even had a chance to speak, everyone else had two cents to ante.

And Christian County treasurer Walter Cummings wasted little time with a joke.

One theme that sprang from Boyd’s heartfelt goodbye: it’s that he didn’t always say what was politically correct, but was — more often than not — right.

Retired Shelby County Jailer Bobby Waits , a former president for the Kentucky Jailers Association, has maintained a long-time relationship with Boyd and his family — and he echoed Cummings’ comments.

Presented with a shadow box of his jailers uniform and accouterments, as well as a box of Little Debbie’s “Oatmeal Cream Pies,” Boyd thanked everyone from former Christian County jailer Livy Leavell — who hired Boyd back in 1994 — to his family and current staff.

And he, too, agreed with Cummings and Waits, always wanting to say what was right.


Christian County Judge Executive Steve Tribble already had an opportunity to give his thanks during the last two fiscal court meetings alongside his magistrates, but offered more gratitude during Wednesday’s gathering.

Boyd’s final day at the Christian County Jail is July 31.

Brady Boyd Reception

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