Farmers Can Make $10K To Open Harvested Fields To Public Dove Hunting

Photo: Kentucky Fish & Wildlife

Farmers can now earn up to $10,000 for leasing harvested fields for public dove hunting.

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife is offering two programs that pay farmers for allowing public dove hunting access.

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife officials say the department’s new Voluntary Public Access, or VPA, Dove fields program is different from the existing Cooperative Dove Field Program, which pays farmers to grow crops that attract doves and to manage the fields for public dove hunting opportunities.

The VPA Dove Fields program seeks landowners willing to enroll harvested crop fields with enough seed and grain byproduct left behind to attract doves that can be leased by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife.

According to officials, specific lease payments will be based upon the number of acres enrolled, crop type and the number of days a landowner plans to participate in the program. The VPA Dove Fields program targets hemp producers both because of the expanding industry in Kentucky and because doves are attracted to the crop.

Dove season opens on September 1st and is most popular on opening day, weekends, and holidays, according to Fish and Wildlife officials. Landowners have several different scheduling options to choose from when opening their land to the public. Officials say there are also a few stipulations that apply, such as accessibility, location, proximity to cities, and overall potential for success.

For more information about either dove field leasing program, email Wes Little at or call 800-858-1549.

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