8th Annual Todd County Bale Trail Announced For 2021

The Todd County Chamber of Commerce has announced plans for the county’s biggest tourism event of the year — the 2021 Todd County Bale Trail.

Chamber Executive Director Tiffany Groves says participants across Todd County will create and display sculptures made of rolls, bales, or loose hay from September 25 through October 31. All Todd County families, businesses and non-profit organizations are encouraged to participate by creating displays.

Lasting over a month and covering the entire county, Groves says the Bale Trail brings in thousands of out-of-town visitors. She went on to say this event is a fun way for families to share the community spirit, and a great opportunity for businesses and organizations to bring visitors right to their door.

According to Groves, prizes are awarded for “Most Creative” in which a panel of will choose a winner from each of three categories: Private Residence, Business, and Non-Profit. Prizes will be awarded for “Fan Favorite,” which will be voted on by the public via the Todd County Chamber of Commerce Facebook page October 1-31.

There is no fee to enter, but all participants must submit an online entry form by September 15. Entry forms are available on the Todd County Chamber of Commerce website at www.toddchamber.com or by email request at info@toddchamber.com.

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