Cadiz Water Department Wins Statewide Award

The City of Cadiz has been recognized for improvements to its water system with one of the highest awards given each year.

The city and its water department are the recipients of the Wooden Bucket Award presented by the Kentucky Rural Water Association this week. The award is presented each year to a water and wastewater utility in Kentucky that has shown exceptional efforts in meeting the demands of its community, enhancing its operations, and complying with regulatory requirements.

Retiring Cadiz Public Works Director Kerry Fowler said Cadiz was chosen from a large pool of utilities in the state.

click to download audioFowler says the award is a reflection of the hard work done each day by the water department’s employees.

click to download audioFowler said the driving force behind the award was the completion of the new 12,000 square foot water treatment plant earlier this year. The new facility is able to treat 1.5 million gallons of water a day which is more than double the previous capacity to the 2,200 water customers the Cadiz Water Department serves.

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