Governor Beshear Confirms Load Covering Solutions Coming To Trigg County

The offices of Governor Andy Beshear have formally announced the addition of a business to Trigg County, in which Load Covering Solutions Ltd. — a producer and distributor of tarp systems for commercial trucks and trailers — will bring up to 30 quality jobs and a $2 million facility to the I-24 Industrial Park.

The Trigg County Fiscal Court and Cadiz City Council have already approved typical tax incentives for the industry, and the Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission has also approved its plat grading — located near Transcraft and spanning more than 12,000 square feet.


According to the governor’s office, the facility will house sales and marketing personnel, and Load Covering Solutions leadership anticipates construction beginning this fall and operations starting by late summer of next year.

The location of Cadiz played a role in this business decision, too, as the I-24 corridor has critical access to the Midwest and Mid-South markets of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia.

First established in 1979 in Ontario, Canada, Load Covering Solutions also enters into contracts with the U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy, as well as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman and other aviation and space exploration companies.

What they said:

“The helpful and courteous staff at both Southwestern Kentucky Economic Development and the Commonwealth of Kentucky were instrumental in making this a good home for Load Covering Solutions,” said Brian Petelka, president of Load Covering Solutions. “We are excited to be opening our new U.S. facility in Kentucky and anticipate a warm embrace from all the surrounding existing and future customers, based on the enthusiasm we have seen so far. Our penetration into the U.S. market will be greatly enhanced through our expansion into Kentucky making our product that much more accessible to customers.”

“Load Covering Solutions is exactly the type of business we’ve been wanting to recruit to Trigg County,” Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander said. “A family-owned, Canada-based company, LCS will be providing up to 30 jobs and significant capital investment. They’ll be creating opportunities for our regional economy while establishing the first international company in the Interstate 24 Business Park. Trigg County is thankful that LCS chose our region to invest and is committed to supporting the company and its leaders, Brian and Linda Petelka, with awesome quality of life in our award-winning community.”

“We are thrilled to welcome Load Covering Solutions to the Interstate 24 Business Park,” said Cadiz Mayor Todd King. “With the recent opening of our water treatment facility, Load Covering Solutions is choosing a site that is ready for continued growth. Easy access to Interstate 24 and an awesome workforce will help LCS with its early success. However, we look forward to working with company leadership to ensure their success for generations to come in our community known for a less taxing, more relaxing way of life.”

“The SWK EDC has had the privilege of working with Load Covering Solutions for over two years helping the company understand doing business in the United States, exploring site options and navigating the various government programs available to the company,” noted Southwestern Kentucky EDC executive director Carter Hendricks. “Through our ongoing discussions, it became clear that Cadiz-Trigg County is the perfect location for LCSs North American operations.

“Additionally, Brian and Linda Petelka’s love of Trigg County and their desire to invest in a business-friendly community made the Interstate 24 Business Park the perfect fit for their light manufacturing and retail operations. This announcement is truly an exciting day for Cadiz-Trigg County as it represents another investment in the business park and highlights the various strengths of doing business in South Western Kentucky, a region positioned to help businesses and industries of all sizes succeed. We thank Brian and Linda Petelka for their investment in the region and look forward to working with the company leadership in the years to come.”

“TVA and Pennyrile RECC congratulate Load Covering Solutions on its decision to locate operations in Trigg County,” said TVA Senior Vice President of Economic Development John Bradley. “Supporting companies that create job opportunities and investment in the valley is fundamental to TVA’s mission of service. We are proud to partner with the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council to help further that mission and celebrate this announcement.”

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