An administrator with Christian County Public Schools has received state recognition for her service to students, parents/guardians and the community.
Communications Director John Rittenhouse announced Friday morning that Melanie Barrett has been named Kentucky Pupil Personnel Director of the Year.
Barrett, who serves as the director of Pupil Personnel in the school district, is a 23-year veteran of Christian County Public Schools. Rittenhouse says she previously served as the assistant principal at Christian County High School and has worked with both high schools in the district to ensure they transition successfully to employment or post-secondary education.
In addition to her role as Pupil Personnel Director, Rittenhouse says Barrett serves as the school district’s go-to person on many public education issues, including Title IX, Child Care, Foster Care, Family Resource and Youth Service Centers, Site-Based Decision-Making Councils, Kentucky School Board Association policy contact and more. She also serves on the Kentucky Association of School Administrators board.
According to Rittenhouse, Barrett was instrumental in the start-up of the district’s Online Registration, Virtual Learning Academy, and District Truancy Conference. He says she is known as an expert at conflict resolution and meets with over 800 parents per school year.
Barrett holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Western Kentucky University with two Masters Degrees from the University of Louisville with a Rank I standing.
Superintendent Chris Bentzel says Barrett is a much-respected leader state-wide and she reflects the foundation of the district; service above self and the love and education of the district’s students.
Barrett and her husband Paul have four children, Talena, Kylie, Justin and Bryson.