Ham Festival 2021


  45th ANNUAL TRIGG COUNTY COUNTRY HAM FESTIVAL 2021 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2021 TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY / PERFORMER 7:00 – Noon Cadiz Baptist Church Annex Country Ham Contest – Entries Accepted 7:00 – Noon Cadiz

Dr. Charles Ross, 78, of Hopkinsville

Graveside services for 78-year-old Dr. Charles Ross of Hopkinsville will be Saturday, October 2, at 10:30 a.m. at Grace Chapel Cemetery in Clarksville, TN. Hughart, Beard & Giles Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Survivors

Faughn Johnson, 95, of Hopkinsville

There will be no funeral services for 95-year-old Faun J. Bauman Johnson of Hopkinsville. Her wish was to be cremated. Christian Cremation and Funeral Care in Hopkinsville is in charge of the arrangements. Survivors include: Son Gary