Austin Peay State University EOC Receives Grant

(Austin Peay State University Photo)

The Educational Opportunity Center, a free community service sponsored by Austin Peay State University, recently received a $2.2 million U.S. Department of Education grant to continue helping adults enroll in college or other higher education programs.

The federal funds will provide Austin Peay with about $440,000 a year for the next five years to continue the program. The EOC assists adults in earning a high school diploma or GED, applying for post-secondary education, finding and submitting financial aid applications, and enrolling in an institution of higher education.

The EOC is a free service for adults 19 or older, living in Christian County and Fort Campbell as well as Montgomery, Stewart, and Houston counties in Tennessee.

Dr. Chad Brooks, Austin Peay’s associate provost for research, said the EOC has been helping more than 1,000 people each year within the community to improve their learning skills and to better understand financial aid rules and anything dealing with higher education.

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