PADD Office Collecting for Forgotten Angels Program

The Pennyrile Area Development District is again collecting items and other donations for its Forgotten Angels program that will benefit over a half-dozen personal care homes in the nine-county region.

Cindy Tabor is the long-term care ombudsman with PADD and says the program is in its 15th year of helping those in need.

click to download audioPeople can go to the PADD Office in Hopkinsville and obtain their Forgotten Angel off the tree in the outer lobby. Tabor says people can contact their office and also have the Angel’s information e-mailed to them.

She says you can provide for the Angel in several ways.

click to download audioTabor says residents in personal care homes are usually younger and sometimes suffer from mental illness rather than physical limitations. She says this group of residents seem to be most forgotten by friends, family, and society.

click to download audioTabor says a letter with stocking stuffer ideas is on their website that includes all sorts of snacks, stationery, socks, gloves, and personal hygiene items. She says the deadline to return the gifts for the Angels is next month.

click to download audioShe said many people load a large Christmas bag full of the goodies along with the personal wish requested and return it to the PADD office on Hammond Drive in Hopkinsville where all the gifts are bagged by PADD staff and volunteers.

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