Cadiz-Trigg County Accepting Gift Cards For Tornado Victims

Cadiz and Trigg County officials are asking community members to donate gift cards to help victims of the tornadoes in surrounding communities.

Cadiz Mayor Todd King says gift cards and monetary donations can be dropped off at a number of locations.

click to download audioTrigg County Judge-executive Hollis Alexander says gift cards can help tornado victims in a number of ways.

click to download audioTrigg County Emergency Management Director David Bryant said he is getting numerous requests from people wanting to volunteer to help. Bryant says those efforts will be needed in the near future.

click to download audioBryant adds he is proud of the response of Trigg County over the weekend.

click to download audioGift cards can be dropped off at Cadiz City Hall, the Trigg County Judge-executive’s office, or King’s Funeral Home. Gifts cards of any amount will be helpful for those in need.

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