Gay Ledford Honored For Career With Trigg Extension

Current and former Trigg County Extension Agents showed their appreciation to extension assistant Gay Ledford who retired January 4 after 32 years.

Ledford was recognized during a reception on January 16 at the Cadiz Renaissance Center. Family and Consumer Science Agent Cecilia Hostillo says Gay Ledford has been greeting the community and working with agents for 32 years, filling a vital role in the extension office.

click to download audioLedford was presented a framed plaque in the shape of Trigg County surrounded by bicentennial pins.

click to download audioLedford said she has worked with a number of excellent Agriculture, Family and Consumer Science, 4-H, and Small Farm agents during her 32 years, with three instrumental at the start of her career.

click to download audioLedford says she has great memories from her career.

click to download audioLedford says now that she is retired she plans to travel with her sisters, enjoy time with her grandchildren, give her home a thorough cleaning, and find time to read a book.




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