City Council Approves Rural King Grant Agreement And Incentives

Hopkinsville City Council authorized the mayor to sign a grant agreement related to Rural King locating in Bradford Square Mall, along with approving a property tax incentive for the company.

During Tuesday night’s meeting, city council authorized Mayor Wendell Lynch to sign a grant agreement in the amount of $1.5 million between the City of Hopkinsville and AJM, Hopkinsville KY LLC, R.K. Administrative Services, LLC, and Rural King Holdings, LLP. It was a 10-0 vote with council members Terry Parker and Patricia Waddell-Bell absent from the meeting.

In addition, council members unanimously approved a property tax incentive for Rural King, with the company estimating an investment of $7.4 million in retail development and creating at least 170 new full-time jobs. City Clerk Crissy Fletcher read the municipal order which includes the property tax incentive for Rural King that will be located at 4000 Fort Campbell Boulevard.

click to download audioDuring council member comments, Councilman Steve Keel said the Rural King announcement is great news for the city and he commended the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council for their persistence in getting the company to locate in Hopkinsville.

click to download audioIn other action, the council unanimously approved an ordinance on first reading closing four CSX railroads in downtown Hopkinsville located at East 5th Street, East 6th Street, East 11th Street, and East 12th Street.

City Council also heard from Kerry Fort of York, Neel & Associates, LLP who presented the annual audit report for the year ending June 30, 2021. He stated the city received a “clean” audit for the financial statement and internal control over financial reporting and there were no instances of non-compliance in any areas.

click to download audioIn closing comments, Ward 2 councilwoman Kimberly McCarley announced she would not be seeking another term, and expressed her gratitude to her family and constituents.

click to download audioCity Council also approved the reappointment of Paula Knight to the Hopkinsville Cable Authority board with a term to expire February 28, 2026, as well as the appointment of Martha Agotte and reappointment of Todd Morris to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Conference Center Corporation Board for a term expiring January 31, 2026.

During awards and recognitions, Hopkinsville Police Officer Jeremy Crawford was sworn in by Mayor Wendell Lynch.

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