The graduation date was set by the Christian County Board of Education during a workshop meeting Thursday evening.
The board unanimously approved a recommendation made by Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett to set the graduation date on Friday, May 27th at the Stadium of Champions. Hopkinsville High School’s graduation will be at 5:00 p.m. with Christian County High School’s graduation to follow at 8:30 p.m.
During presentations, Instruction Supervisor Michelle Walden presented a Learning Recovery update after students lost instructional time due to COVID-19 restrictions and school closings last year. She said it was eye-opening when she compared the in-person instructional days from this year to last year and why the district needed a strong recovery plan.
click to download audioWalden said she is proud of the district’s efforts with the multi-tiered systems of support that were put into place this year to support students.
click to download audioShe also announced the summer learning dates are June 6 through June 17 with each school targeting the needs of the students.
click to download audioOther action taken during the meeting included a recommendation from Director of Transportation Mike Brumley to declare seven used buses as surplus and sell them through KISTA, which was unanimously approved.
The school board will meet in regular session Thursday evening, March 17, at 6:00.