Cadiz Rotary Auction Raising Money To Help With Education

The Cadiz Rotary Club is continuing its commitment to helping students in Trigg County further their education after graduating from high school.

Rotary Club Education Committee Chairman Dr. Scott Sutherland says the club has provided a large number of scholarships thanks to the help of the community through the Rotary Radio Auction.

click to download audioSutherland says the Cadiz Rotary Club supports more than just a college education.

click to download audioHe adds the goal of the club is to help Trigg County students address the rising cost of secondary education.

click to download audioDr. Sutherland notes part of the mission is helping students get ready to attend secondary education by assisting high school students from Trigg County in taking the ACT.

click to download audioHe adds helping during the Cadiz Rotary Auction from April 11 through the 15th by participating in the auction or contributing to the Century Club is the best way to help Cadiz Rotarians meet this year’s auction fundraising goal of $250,000. Among the items are two that Dr. Sutherland says he has secured.

click to download audioThe auction can be heard nightly on 106.5 WKDZ-FM and online at Items will be sold through the Loyal Listener Big Deals store that can be found on the WKDZ website.


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