County Clerk Candidates Positive About Voting, Look To Increase Technology

While policy changes would have to come from Frankfort, the two Republican candidates for Christian County Clerk would like to see the office embrace technology.

To start Thursday’s rounds of League of Women Voter debates, candidates Melinda Humphries and Erica Newby shared their thoughts on the office.

With more than 20 years in the office, Humphries says she would focus on communications if elected.

click to download audioNewby, who worked at the office for seven years, says she wants to streamline services.

click to download audioWhen asked about the voting process, Newby said she approved of the changes brought about by covid.

click to download audioHumphries says the move to voting centers instead of polling places is beneficial to the voter.

click to download audioThe winner of the May Republican Primary will face Democrat Walter Cummings in the November General Election.

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