PAC’s Prim: “The Alhambra’s Back.”

Since 1977, the Pennyroyal Arts Council has been the steward of the Alhambra Theatre.

And in that tenure, perhaps no greater struggle came than during the last two years — when a pandemic/endemic throttled revenue and canceled live shows and events, both of which are necessary for the venue’s upkeep and survival.

However, during Tuesday’s Christian County Fiscal Court meeting, PAC Executive Director Margaret Prim delivered some good news on the state of affairs with the cultural hub.

The Alhambra Theatre just completed its 44th live season with six shows, five of which Prim noted were reschedules from pandemic cancellations.

More than 3,000 patrons, on average, visited the six shows, and Prim added that ticket sales went to residents from all over: Texas, Indiana, Georgia, and closer areas such as Adams, Clarksville, Nashville, Cadiz, Paducah and Central City.

Prim said nearly 9% of each show’s attendance came from out of town, and that out-of-towners were bound to spend nearly twice as much as local audience members — needing gasoline, food and possibly lodging in the area.

During this fiscal year, the Alhambra Theatre remains on track to host nearly 200 different events. In the last month alone, it’s been home to the bell hooks Celebration of Life, a major production of “Newsies,” a one-woman show of “Harriet Tubman” by Leslie McCurdy, Heritage Christian Academy’s “Beauty & The Beast,” and “Dancing With Our Stars” — which raised more than $75,000 for both the Pennyroyal Arts Council and Sanctuary Inc. to share.

Set to meet with the county’s budget committee next week, Prim added that the Pennyroyal Arts Council currently has four grant applications out for things like operation costs. More than 25% of last year’s budget came from what Prim marked as “one-time” support.

Recently, Prim said she and the PAC have drawn some inspiration from her ailing father.

At the moment, the Alhambra Theatre is housing the local art work of Christian County students, as part of March being “National Art Month.” A celebration for students who participated will be held Monday, April 18.

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