Taylor Helps Christian County Chamber Celebrate Economic Development

Kentucky Director of Business Development Jeff Taylor is saluting the efforts of the Southwestern Kentucky EDC to prepare for future growth.

Taylor was the keynote speaker for the Christian County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Eye-Opener breakfast Tuesday at the Bruce Convention Center. Commissioner Taylor said it is important for a community to be ready with spec buildings and mega sites.

click to download audioTaylor also saluted the EDC’s efforts to develop the workforce.

click to download audioHe used his own story as an example of what one good job can provide.

click to download audio

South Western Kentucky EDC Director Carter Hendricks noted the importance of recent action by the Kentucky General Assembly to provide 200 million dollars for economic development improvements in the state.

click to download audioHendricks also noted the importance of continuing to develop the workforce in the region.

click to download audio

Also during the breakfast, officials from Riken Elastomers presented $30,000 to Christian County Chamber President Taylor Hayes and other agencies to help with the Gift Cards for Compassion program to help tornado victims in Christian and other surrounding communities.

click to download audioHayes said the program has done better than they expected it to do when the program was launched in response to the December 10 and 11 tornadoes.


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