‘Month Of The Military Child:’ Beshear, First Lady, Visits Fort Campbell Schools

Observed every April at installations across the country, “Month of the Military Child” bears significant importance to the schools in and around Fort Campbell.

Kentucky’s First Lady Britainy Beshear embraced that observance and honor during a lengthy Friday visit to the home of the 101st Screaming Eagles, where she made stops at the Billy C. Colwell Strong Beginnings Pre-K Child Development Center, Mahaffey Middle School and Andre Lucas Elementary before closing her day at Marshall Elementary near Gate 4.

During the height of COVID-19, Beshear was able to make this kind of visit to Fort Knox schools last year. But after visiting Fort Campbell alongside U.S. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden less than two months ago, Beshear said she’d been in contact with local officials about returning soon — and this opportunity seemed like a perfect fit.

While at Marshall Elementary, Beshear was personally guided by a pair of fourth-grade ambassadors, Riley Schmidt and Aria Palmiera. The First Lady spent time with Mrs. Connie Gorgol’s first-grade class planting flowers in an outdoor garden, listened to the fourth-grade biographic timelines of students Carmelo Nieves, Kylee Beckerman and Kendrick Velazquez, read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to some pre-K children, boogied with some fourth-grade “Change The World” dancers and listened to the kindergarten class sing the Marshall Spirit Song “Tigers Roar.”

On a lighter note, Beshear said dancing and planting flowers were easily the best parts of her day in Fort Campbell. But of course, she’ll have plenty of talking points for her husband, Andy, and the Kentucky General Assembly upon her return to Frankfort.

In order to get the honor to guide the First Lady through the halls of the school, Schmidt and Palmiera had their names drawn from a hat in a lucky lottery.

Schmidt said he felt prepared for the experience because he’s in “Anchored For Life,” a Marshall Elementary School program that teaches students how to introduce new arrivals to the campus and its modular grounds.

This was an experience he’ll remember.

Palmiera said she was surprised and excited.

This month’s theme for the children: “Standing Strong and Proud.”


Beshear Visits Marshall Elementary

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