Judge Executive Candidates Talk Growth And Farming

Agriculture is a large part of Christian County and candidates for Judge Executive each have unique thought on how to help. The four Republican candidates met again Friday night for a second round of debates. They were asked what they see as the county's roll in continuing the success of farmers. Katie Moyer says allowing exemptions is the way to go.

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Jerry Gilliam says building on the success of agriculture.

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Dan Mason says working with law enforcement to ensure safety.

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Tommy McGraw says growth is important but also being an advocate.

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The group was also asked how to increase the county's tax base. Gilliam says his plan to address growth is offering partnerships with private developers to build county-approved infrastructure.

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Mason says you have to look at what would draw people in.

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McGraw says development is key.

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Moyer says there are things she doesn't want to do.

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The four candidates will appear on the May 17th Republican Primary Ballot. The winner will face incumbent Steve Tribble in the November General Election.

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