McHenry Street Murder Case Proceeding to June 6 Trial

Trial preparation is continuing and appears on track in a 2019 murder case involving a shooting on McHenry Street in Hopkinsville.
North Kentucky Avenue Murder Defendant Released on Ankle Monitor Pending Further DNA Testing

There could be yet another delay in the case of a Hopkinsville woman charged with complicity to murder in the death of Calvin Taylor in October 2020.
Trigg County Observing ‘National Day of Prayer’ Thursday

For the first time in three years, Trigg County and its officials will be observing “National Day of Prayer” a little closer together — both in message, and in person.
KYTC District 1 Holds Anticipated 2022 ‘Road-eo’

There aren’t many opportunities for equipment operators of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 1 to train, explore, be entertained and compete all in the same setting.
Candidates For 56th District Judge Participate In Caldwell Forum

The three candidates running for 56th District Judge in the upcoming May primary election participated in a forum hosted by the Caldwell County Republican Party at the courthouse Tuesday night.
Names Released In South McPherson Street Wreck

Police have released the names of three people injured in a wreck on South McPherson Street in Hopkinsville Wednesday morning.
VIDEO – Governor Beshear on Kentucky’s Rebound from the Pandemic

During the annual Kentucky Derby AT&T Morning Line, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear was on the air and spoke with Alan, Cindy, and Beth about Kentucky’s economy rebounding as the nation works to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Voting Options Christian County
Trial Date Set For Clearman Court Murder Suspect

A trial date has been set for a Hopkinsville man accused in a fatal shooting on Clearman Court in December.
Wiggins, Cadiz Police Addressing Excessive Speeds On Wharton Road

One of the main thoroughfares in Cadiz, Wharton Road sees considerable traffic on a daily basis — particularly because of its connection between Powerline Drive and Main Street.