The three candidates running for 56th District Judge in the upcoming May primary election participated in a forum hosted by the Caldwell County Republican Party at the courthouse Tuesday night.
The moderator of the forum was former attorney Bridgie Miller. The candidates Brandon Knoth, Matt Schalk, and Jennifer Nelson were each provided three questions prior to the forum and allowed a total of 15 minutes to respond.

Brandon Knoth, a lifelong resident of Lyon County, said his qualifications to be the next 56th District judge includes 20 years of practicing law and eight years serving as the Lyon County Attorney.
When asked about what voters can do to work with legislators to adopt, amend or rescind the laws to assist District Judges with their duties, Knoth said better criminal justice reform including treatment and rehabilitation programs, and mental health treatment.
click to download audioThe next candidate called to the podium was Matt Schalk, who said he moved to Princeton in 2007. He said his qualifications include he has practiced law since 2006 in several counties and he has experience with every type of matter that comes before district court judges, including criminal and juvenile matters, probate, neglect and abuse cases.

Schalk said he believes voters can help district judges by telling legislators that they need a whole lot more funding, specifically for drug awareness and education.
click to download audioCanfidatr Candidate Jennifer Nelson, who moved to Caldwell County in 2008, said she is qualified for the judge’s seat because she has practiced law since 2005. In 2009, Nelson added she was appointed as a trial commissioner to sign emergency orders and act on behalf of the judges when they are out of town or unavailable. In addition, Nelson said she has sat in as a judge on two occasions but she noted one of the restrictions of being a trial commissioner is you can’t send people to jail.

Nelson said voters can let legislators in Frankfort know that the judges need more funding for mental health, drug education, drug testing, and domestic violence programs.

You can hear the complete questions and answers from the candidates for 56th District Judge by clicking on the audio link below.