The Christian County Board of Education has approved the sale of land on Country Club Lane near Hopkinsville High School following action at its Thursday night meeting.
Prior to the vote Thursday night, the board went into closed session for about 45 minutes for the purpose of “the future acquisition or sale of real property”. When the board called the meeting back into open session, Board Chair Tom Bell asked for a motion to approve the sale of the property to Country Club Lane Real Estate Investment, LLC. for $810,000.
The nearly 27-acre parcel of land was purchased by the school board in 2012 for $540,000 as a part of long-range planning to update or replace aging schools in the district. At the time, the school board was looking to use the land for a possible expansion or construction of a new Hopkinsville High School. If the land had been sold to a developer, it would have land-locked Hopkinsville High School.
With the recent decision to build a new consolidated high school on Fort Campbell Boulevard, the land was no longer part of the school district’s long-range plan.
There was no further discussion and the board went back into closed session for preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent. There was no action taken.
In other action, Assistant Superintendent Josh Hunt asked for the board’s approval to advertise for proposals from vendors to provide high school athletic and extracurricular apparel for the new Hopkinsville-Christian County Academy.
click to download audioHunt said they are looking to see what vendors have to offer in the way of sports, band, and other school-related apparel, along with a platform where submissions can be made from student organizations and others that can play a part in the design.
The board also heard a spring recruitment update from Beverly Fort, the teacher recruiter for the school district. She announced they are continuing to recruit teachers into the district with 20 hired to date that will start for the 2022-2023 school year.
The board also heard a spring recruitment update from teacher recruiter Beverly Fort who noted they have hired 20 new teachers for the 2022-2023 school year.
In addition, board members were presented an instructional update, the Spring 2022 Employee, Student, and Parent Engagement Survey Results, and District Services Results, along with the school district’s Mission, Vision, and Values commitment.