Warmer weather coupled with the start of the summer tourism season usually means an increase in calls for service for the Cadiz Police Department.
Chief Duncan Wiggins says the Memorial Day weekend means an increase in traffic complaints in the city.
click to download audioBecause the intersection of US 68 and I-24 is the halfway point between Nashville and Paducah as well as between St. Louis and Atlanta, Wiggins says it’s a popular route for criminals who use the Cadiz exit to travel to Hopkinsville, Murray or even Land Between the Lakes.
click to download audioWiggins says his department continues its never-ending work to take illegal drugs off the streets with meth remaining the most popular drug of choice for addicts.
click to download audioWith a department nearly at full force, Wiggins says his officers will continue to patrol the neighborhoods and keep an eye out for any suspicious people or vehicles.
click to download audioWiggins encourages people to obey the posted speed limits in the residential areas of the city, which was a topic of discussion and a citizen complaint at the May Cadiz City Council meeting.