Man Arrested On Warrant For Hopkinsville Police Pursuit

A Hopkinsville man was arrested in Murray on a warrant in connection to a police pursuit in Hopkinsville that happened on April 4th.
Princeton Man Charged With Possession Of Drugs After Traffic Stop

A Princeton man was charged with possession of drugs after a traffic stop in Hopkinsville Wednesday afternoon.
Man Charged With Possession Of Drugs

A Washington man was charged after he was reportedly found passed out in a vehicle in Hopkinsville Thursday night.
Murder Suspect Charged With Soliciting Someone To Bring Drugs Into Jail

A Hopkinsville man who was in jail on a murder charge has now been charged with soliciting someone to bring drugs into jail.
School System Seeks Construction Manager To Mitigate Building Costs

Hopkinsville Christian County Academy may yet be moving forward. Since rejecting the General Contractor bids, the Christian County Public School administration has been looking into others options.