A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has plans for evening paint striping along Interstate 24 and a small section Interstate 69 to begin Wednesday night, and last the next two weeks pending weather.
Work will begin along most of I-24 from Ohio River Bridge through McCracken, Marshall, Livingston, Lyon, Caldwell and Trigg counties, all the way to the Trigg-Christian line near the 70-mile marker.
This crew will also work along a short section of I-69 in Lyon County, as well as on several entrance and exit ramps along this route.
Motorists should be alert for this caravan on the roads between 7 PM and 6 AM.
Painting will begin in McCracken County and will move eastward and county-by-county until completion. Motorists should avoid driving through the fresh paint.
There will be an enhanced police presence along this route. The work was scheduled for nighttime conditions to minimize traffic disruption, and officials are urging motorists to avoid driving through fresh paint.
Navigate traffic at goky.ky.gov, at waze.com, or with the WAZE App.