GOOD NEWS: Trigg County Community Shredding Day Set For September 24

The Trigg County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a free Community Shredding Day, set for Saturday, September 24 in the Cadiz Dino Lube parking lot at 134 Merchant Street.
McConnell Introduces Wade White to TVA Board of Directors at Nomination Hearing

In hopes of speeding the confirmation process, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell took the time to introduce Lyon County Judge-executive Wade White to the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors Wednesday.
Oak Grove Couple Charged With Murder Arraigned

An Oak Grove couple charged with the murder of the person they were supposed to be caring for made their first appearance in Christian County Circuit Court Wednesday.
Final Superload Trip from Eddyville to Hopkinsville Set for Thursday

Edwards Rigging plans to move the last of six superload trips from Eddyville to Hopkinsville Thursday morning.
State Mowing Crews to Finish 2022 Work in the Coming Weeks

State work crews will wrap up the summer mowing season along state highways this week.
Cindy Campbell Named Hopkinsville High Principal

Christian County Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel has selected Cindy Campbell as the principal of Hopkinsville High School. Campbell has been serving as interim principal of the school since April.
Princeton Hosting Black Patch Heritage Festival This Weekend

The annual Black Patch Heritage Festival will take over downtown Princeton this weekend with the official kickoff Friday with the parade.
Fall is Coming But Ticks Aren’t Falling Out of Sight

As we head into the Fall season, you may think tick season is over, but that’s not necessarily true.
HCC to Unveil bell hooks Statue on September 25

Hopkinsville Community College plans to unveil a statue honoring Hopkinsville native, activist, and author bell hooks on what would have been her 70th birthday later this month.
Paving Work to Begin Thursday on Old Dover Road

Milling and paving work on Old Dover Road will begin Thursday and continue for the next two weeks. The project will run from the intersection of old U.S. 68 at Hamtown and through the U.S. 68 bypass