A special called meeting will be held next week to approve the second reading of the Ad Valorem and Motor Vehicle Tax for the City of Cadiz. Cadiz City Council met Tuesday night for the first reading. City Clerk Barbie Johnson says the real property tax rate will be .2178 per $100 assessed value.
click to download audioThe motor vehicle tax will be unchanged from 2021. A second reading will be held at 5:30 pm September 13. In other business, Police Chief Duncan Wiggins asked the City Council to approve purchase of a new cruiser.
click to download audioCouncilmembers voted unanimously to move forward with the purchase. Fire Chief Thomas Futrell presented bids for new Air Packs and the Council inquired about possible grant funds to help with the costs.
City Council also approved incentives for Hickory Pig Pit and Trigg County Liquors Wine and Beer following closed sessions with the business owners.