Sounds At Six Featuring Hoptown Idol Friday Night At Founders Square

The Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Department is opening up the stage and microphone at Founders Square for the annual Hoptown Idol contest Friday night during Sounds at Six.

Toby Hudson and Jan Oglesby with Parks and Recreation say there is quite a bit of interest in the contest.

click to download audioOglesby says if you haven’t signed up online, you can still come downtown Friday night before the contest begins at six.

click to download audio

Hudson says there will also be food and drink available Friday night.

click to download audio

The winner of Hoptown Idol will receive $500 and a two-hour recording session with Richie Acevedo at ARC Exhibit Studios at Hip Hoptown USA.  WKDZ’s Eddie Owen and Tess Cowan will be the host of Hoptown Idol.



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