Christian County Literacy Council Crowns Spelling Bee Champs

The language a human can acquire is ludicrous, especially in performance to persuade the judges and establish a champion. Ten of those words challenged children Tuesday night at the 2nd Annual Christian County Literacy Council Spelling Bee.

The largest of the three divisions was third through fifth grade. Though “ludicrous” stumped the field, Heritage Christian Academy 5th grader, Zoey Harbold correctly spelled the word ‘schedule’ to edge past Arjun Patel. Then, all that stood between her and victory was six letters.

click to download audioThe Top 3 in the sixth through eighth-grade division were on a roll after the “c” in the word ‘acquire’ took out half the field. 19 straight students correctly spelled words that kept the audience on the edge of their seats as University Heights Academy students Teerth Shah, Akil Patel, and Prisha Shah competed to see who would take the title. It was excellence and hyphen that stumped all but Teerth, who took first place by spelling the word ‘freight’.

Event Organizer Beth Brockman says how the words are picked is a secret that requires some thought.

click to download audioWords like tremolo and ballyhoo aren’t used in everyday language, but they are an excellent way to test the knowledge of high school students. Five Hopkinsville and Christian County High students competed in the final group, with Lacey Paige taking 1st place by correctly spelling nauseous.

Literacy Council Executive Director, Francine Gilmer says they may not be on ESPN, but it is a competition.

click to download audioBrockman says the event allows students to showcase their talent.

click to download audioThe ladies add they had all the ingredients for a successful spelling bee.

click to download audioOver eighty third through twelfth-grade students from public and private schools participated in the event. Each 1st Place winner received a Kindle e-reader and a $100 gift card. 2nd Place received a $100 gift card and 3rd Place a $50 gift card. Hopkinsville Community College President, Dr. Alissa Young, and HES Energynet Accounting Supervisor, Cody Noffsinger served as judges for the Spelling Bee.

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