Primary And Elementary Students Celebrate National Red Ribbon Week

Students in Caldwell County have been observing National Red Ribbon Week and as part of the celebration the Primary and Elementary PTO held a poster contest to celebrate life drug free.

President Nichelle Faugh of the Caldwell County Primary and Elementary PTO says they decided to sponsor National Red Ribbon Week this year after they were approached by Stephanie Randall of the HOPE & COPE Center.

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She said the group decided to come up with special days for Red Ribbon Week which included Pajama Day on Monday, Wear Hat Day on Tuesday, Wear Red on Wednesday, and Thursday was Crazy Wear Day.

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In addition, the PTO sponsored a poster contest.

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Faughn says the PTO sponsors Red Ribbon Week to show their support and encourage students to celebrate life drug free.

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Prizes were presented to the poster contest winners Wednesday along with the overall winners.

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To view the list and pictures of the winners, go to this story on our website

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