Steven Means, 63, of Christian County

Funeral services for 63-year old Steven Means of O'Daniels Road in Christian County will be Monday, November 7, at 11:00 at Lamb Funeral Home. Burial will follow in Peaceful Meadows Cemetery. Visitation will be held Monday from

Shirley Eaton, 82, of Hopkinsville

Graveside services for 82-year-old Shirley Bates Eaton of Hopkinsville will be Monday, November 7, at 1:30 at Green Hill Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be at Maddux-Fuqua-Hinton Funeral Home on Monday at 12pm Survivors include her daughters, Dana

Fern Clark, 98, of Christian County

Funeral services for 98-year old Fern Cline Clark of Christian County will be Tuesday, November 8, at 1:00 at Maddux-Fuqua-Hinton Funeral Home. Burial will follow in Hamby Cemetery. Visitation will be held Tuesday from 11:00 AM until

Community Gathers For Veterans Day Despite Rain


Despite the inclement weather Saturday morning canceling the Hopkinsville Veterans Parade, the community gathered at the War Memorial Building to honor veterans. Hopkinsville Mayor Wendell Lynch thanked everyone for attending. click to download audioLynch and Judge Executive