Governor Signs Executive Order Legalizing Medical Marijuana in Kentucky

After it failed to get a vote in the Kentucky Senate earlier this year, Governor Andy Beshear has signed two executive orders that will allow residents with certain severe medical conditions the ability to purchase and use medicinal marijuana for treatment.

The orders take effect on January 1.

In the executive order, Beshear outlined conditions that Kentuckians with at least one of 21 medical conditions must meet, which include cancer, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, muscular dystrophy, or a terminal illness.

click to download audioBeshear said the orders are an effort to reduce the reliance on addictive opioids and to provide them relief from pain.

click to download audioBeshear pointed to a recent study that showed a 64% reduction in opioid use among chronic pain patients who used medical cannabis. He said these patients experienced fewer side effects and had improved quality of life.

click to download audioKentucky is one of 13 states that do not allow for the legal sale of marijuana for any use. Beshear is hoping his executive orders pave the way for the state legislators to pass a bill legalizing it next year.

click to download audioThe Governor also announced that the state would regulate the sale of Delta 8. Delta 8 contains THC, but at a lower level than marijuana. It is not a controlled substance in Kentucky nor under federal law, and a court has ruled that it is legal in Kentucky.

In addition, guidance is being created for law enforcement to determine who does and does not qualify quickly and accurately.

The executive orders come after the governor formed the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Advisory Committee in June to travel the state and listen to Kentuckians’ views on the topic after the state legislature failed to pass legislation earlier this year.

In addition to the town hall meetings, the state’s medical cannabis website allowed Kentuckians to submit their opinions online. The website received 3,539 comments, 98.6% expressing support for legalizing medical cannabis in Kentucky.

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